


/Physics Class 11
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Physics Class 11

Sonika Anand Academy

14 modules


Lifetime access

"Unleash the Power of Physics: Dive into the World of Forces, Motion, and Energy in Class 11!"


In the Physics Class 11 course, students will delve into the fundamental principles of physics as they embark on a journey to explore the fascinating world of matter, motion, energy, and more. This course is designed to cater to high school students who are at the cusp of transitioning from basic physics concepts to more advanced topics. Throughout the course, learners will cover a wide array of essential topics that serve as the building blocks of physics. These topics include mechanics, thermodynamics, waves, and optics, among others. By delving into these subjects, students will develop a robust foundation in physics that will serve as a solid platform for future academic pursuits in the field. One of the key highlights of the Physics Class 11 course is its emphasis on practical applications and real-world examples. Students will have the opportunity to witness how physics manifests in various phenomena that they encounter in their daily lives, thus fostering a deeper understanding of the subject. Through a mix of theoretical lessons, hands-on experiments, and problem-solving exercises, students will hone their critical thinking and analytical skills. Moreover, they will learn how to apply physics principles to solve complex problems and make sense of the world around them. By the end of the course, students can expect to have gained a comprehensive understanding of the core concepts in Physics Class 11. Whether they are aspiring scientists, engineers, or simply curious minds eager to unravel the mysteries of the universe, this course will equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the field of physics.

Key Highlights

Introduction to basic concepts of physics

Understanding of Laws of Motion and Motion in a plane

Exploration of Kinematics and Gravitation

Study of Laws of Thermodynamics and Oscillations

Analysis of Work, Energy, and Power

Comprehension of Mechanical Properties of Solids and Fluids

Investigation of Waves and Physical Optics

Application of Physics in real-life scenarios

What you will learn

Introduction to Physics

Understand the basic concepts and principles of Physics in Class 11.

Mechanics and Motion

Learn about the laws of motion, forces, and kinematics to analyze motion in objects.

Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

Explore the concepts of heat, temperature, and energy transfer in various systems.

Waves and Optics

Study the behavior of waves and delve into the optics phenomena like reflection and refraction.

Electricity and Magnetism

Gain insights into electrical circuits, electromagnetic induction, and magnetic fields.


Units Measurement and Dimensions

21 attachments • 4 hrs

Fundamental and Derived Quantities

Fundamental and Derived Quantities


Different Types of System of Units @sonikaanandacademy


Least Count @sonikaanandacademy


parallax method @sonikaanandacademy

Error Analysis

Significant Figures @sonikaanandacademy


Percentage Error@sonikaanandacademy


How to find errors in case of multiplication@ Sonika Anand Academy


Dimensional Analysis


How to check correctness of Equation @sonikaanandacademy

Derive the formula of equation using dimensional analysis@ sonikaanandacademy

how to derive formula using dimension analysis@sonikaanandacademy

How to check accuracy of formula@sonikaanandacademy

Test Series

NTA Mock test series physics @sonikaanandacademy


Revision in one Shot@sonikaanandacademy


Test Papers

Test Paper

2 pages

Test Paper 1


Motion in Straight Line

25 attachments • 7 hrs

Distance Displacement Average Speed

Conversion of units from Metre /second to kilometre/ hour @sonikaanandacademy

Average speed @sonikaanandacademy

Average speed Tricks @Sonika Anand Academy

How to find velocity distance and acceleration using differentiation and integration@sonikaanandacademy

Questions on Graph

Newton's Equation of motion ||graphical derivation@sonikaanandacademy

Basic Concept of Understanding of Graph @Sonika Anand Academy

NCERT solutions-Questions on graph@sonikaanandacademy

Numerical on graph @sonikaanandacademy

How to solve Graph in one shot

Motion Under Gravity

Lecture 1 @sonikaanand academy

Numerical on Motion under Gravity @sonikaanandacademy

Motion Under Gravity

Relative Motion

Questions on Relative Motion @Sonika Anand Academy

Relative Motion of Boat and Stream @sonikaanandacademy

Mock test series@Sonika Anand Academy

Class 1 Numerical on Distance and Displacement

Test series 2

Test Series 3

Test Paper

Test Paper - Motion in Straight Line

Motion in St line pdf

13 pages

Motion in a plane

34 attachments • 4 hrs


Typesof vector @Sonika Anand Academy

Types of Vectors Continued@Sonika Anand Academy

How to find the magnitude and unit vector @sonikaanandacademy

Unit vector @sonikaanandacademy

Questions on Unit vector and Magnitude of Vector @sonikaanandacademy

Addition and Subtraction of Vector @sonikaanandacademy

Resolution of vectors@sonikaanandacademy

Numerical on how to find position vectors@sonikaanandacademy

Numerical on speed and acceleration@sonikaanandacademy

Vector - how to find a speed velocity and acceleration when given in vector form@sonikaanandacademy

How to find dot product and cross product in one shot @sonikaanandacademy

Questions on Dot product and vector product@sonikaanandacademy

How to find unit vector Tangent @Sonika Anand Academy

Projectile Motion

Theory on projectile motion

Show path of projectile is parabola@Sonika Anand Academy

When an object falls under Gravity @Sonika Anand Academy

Numerical -- Projectile falls under Gravity @sonikaanandacademy

Projectile Motion -- Numerical Continued @sonikaanandacademy

Circular Motion

Lecture 1@sonikaanandacademy

centripetal force and centrifugal force @Sonika Anand Academy

Test Series


Numerical on graph @sonikaanandacademy


Circular Motion in one shot

Motion in straight line fall under gravity

Questions on Relative Motion @Sonika Anand Academy

Vector product

Numerical -- Projectile falls under Gravity @sonikaanandacademy

Projectile Motion -- Numerical Continued @sonikaanandacademy

Test Papers

Test Papers - Motion in plane

Laws of Motion

24 attachments • 4 hrs

Concept Base Lectures

Lecture 1 @Sonika Anand Academy

Lecture 2 @Sonika Anand Academy

Lecture 3@sonikaanandacademy

Lecture 4 @Sonika Anand Academy

Force Exerted by Spring @Sonika Anand Academy

Linear Momentum

Numericals on Linear Momentum @Sonika Anand Academy

Lecture 5 @Sonika Anand Academy

Lecture 6 @sonikaanandacademy

Recoil of Gun

Recoil of Gun and Numerical

Apparent Weight of Man in Lift

Apparent weight of man in lift @Sonika Anand Academy

Connected Bodies

Motion of connected bodies

Motion of Connected Bodies Continued

Motion of Connected Bodies Continued@Sonika Anand Academy


Friction ||Angle of Repose@Sonika Anand Academy

Friction Numericals @Sonika Anand Academy

Numericals on Friction Continued@Sonika Anand Academy

Test Paper

Test Paper - Laws of Motion

Work Energy and Power

19 attachments • 2 hrs


Lecture 1 numerical @sonikaanand academy


Lecture 2 numerical @sonikaanandacademy

Potential Energy

Theory Formula and questions with solutions

Kinetic Energy

Derivation of KE by calculus method

numerical of kinetic energy ||@sonikaanandacademy

Linear Momentum and KE

Work Energy Theorem

Work Energy Theorem


Power and work Numericals@Sonika Anand Academy


coefficient of restitution@Sonika Anand Academy


Test Series

work power and energy Numerical @Sonika Anand Academy

Test Papers

Test Paper - Work Power and Energy

System of Particles and Rotational Motion

36 attachments • 7 hrs

Centre of Mass

Centre of mass Numerical @sonikaanandacademy


Centre of Mass - Numerical@Sonika Anand Academy

Numerical on centre of Mass @ Sonika Anand Academy

centre of mass 2@Sonika Anand Academy

Rotational Motion of a Rigid Body

Relation Between Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration

Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration @Sonika Anand Academy

Numerical @Sonika Anand Academy

Moment of Couple

Moment of Couple Numerical@sonikaanandacademy


Torque@Sonika Anand Academy

Numerical on Torque @Sonika Anand Academy

how to find torque when an automobile rotates@Sonika Anand Academy​

Angular Momentum

Angular momentum@Sonika Anand Academy

find angular momentum when moment of inertia is given --Numerical @Sonika Anand Academy

Moment of Inertia

Moment of inertia@Sonika Anand Academy

Theorem of Moment of Inertia

Moment of Inertia for a Rod @Sonika Anand Academy

Moment of inertia of a rectangular Slab @Sonika Anand Academy

Moment of Inertia Rectangular Slab@Sonika Anand Academy

Moment of Inertia of Ring @Sonika Anand Academy

Trick to learn Moment of Inertia @Sonika Anand Academy

Total Energy in Rotational Motion

Rotational Energy in Inclined Plane

Class 11 physics ||System of particles and Rotational Motion ||Numericals @Sonika Anand Academy

Lecture 1 @Sonika Anand Academy


30 november

3 dec

5 dec

Test Papers

Model Test Paper For Rotational Motion


14 attachments • 1 hrs

Newtons Law of Gravitation

Newtons Law of Gravitation @sonikaanandacademy

Keplers Law

kepler Law@Sonika Anand Academy

Variation of g with height

Gravitational Energy

Gravitational Potential Energy

Escape and Orbital Velocity

Lecture 1 @Sonika Anand Academy


MCQ 1 @Sonika Anand Academy

MCQ 2 @Sonika Anand Academy

Test Papers

Test Paper

Mechanical properties of Solids

8 attachments • 1 hrs

Modulus of Elasticity

Young Modulus Numerical

Stress@Sonika Anand Academy

Bulk Modulus , Shear Modulus

Mechanical Properties of Solids #Bulk Modulus Numerical

Numerical on Elasticity@Sonika Anand Academy

Test Papers

Test paper - Mechanical Properties of Solids

Mechanical Properties of Fluids

11 attachments • 2 mins

Fluid Pressure


Absolute pressure ,Atmospheric Pressure,Hydraulic Lift


Terminal Velocity and Numerical on Viscosity

Stream Line and Turbulent Flow ,Numerical on Reynold Number

Bernoulli 's Principle

Excess pressure on Soap Bubble

surface tension and velocity gradient

Test Papers

Test paper - Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Thermal Properties of Matter

6 attachments • 1 mins

Thermal conductivity

Thermal Expansion Linear Expansion@Sonika Anand Academy

Thermal capacity ,calorimetry

Newtons Law of cooling

Test paper

Test Paper


10 attachments • 16 mins

Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

First Law of Thermodynamics @Sonika Anand Academy

work done during cyclic process

Mayer formula

Isothermal and adiabatic Process

Isothermal Process

Adiabatic Process

Second Law of Thermodynamics

Test Papers

Test Paper 1

Kinetic Theory

18 attachments • 2 hrs

Gas Laws

Boyle's law @ sonikaanandacademy

Kinetic theory of gases @Sonika Anand Academy

Charles law@Sonika Anand Academy​

Kinetic theory of gases numerical @sonikaanandacademy

Gay Lussac Law@sonikaanandacademy

RMS velocity@sonikaanandacademy

Specific Heat Capacity

Thermal Capacity || specific heat numerical@sonikaanandacademy

Principal of calorimetry@Sonika Anand Academy

degree of freedom

Mock Test series of Heat and Thermodynamics@Sonika Anand Academy

ncert solutions

Ncert solutions

Degree of freedom

Ncert Solutions of Thermodynamics

Test Papers

Model Test Paper For Kinetic Theory of Gases

Oscillations -Simple Harmonic Motion

10 attachments • 21 mins

Video Solutions

what is periodic function

How to displacement ,velocity and acceleration of simple harmonic motion

Numerical on time period @Sonika Anand Academy

simple harmonic motion|| spring block system@Sonika Anand Academy

Numerical Based on Spring

Numerical on Spring

Numerical on spring continued

Test Papers

Model Test Paper For Oscillation


26 attachments • 3 hrs

What is Transverse and Longitudinal Wave

Transverse and Longitudinal Waves

Sound Waves

Transverse and Longitudinal Waves @Sonika Anand Academy

Transverse and longitudinal waves continued@sonikaanandacademy

How to find wavelength frequency and velocity of a wave

Graphical Representation of Simple Harmonic Wave

waves Numericals

Summary of Standing waves

Standing Waves

Standing Waves@Sonika Anand Academy

Numerical of Basic Concepts of SHM

Numerical of SHM

Node and Antinode -Wave@sonikaanandacademy

Interfearence of waves

part 1inerterfearence

Interference of light||wave optics@sonikaanandacademy

path difference|| Interference ||wave optics @sonikaanandacademy


Beats @Sonika Anand Academy

Doppler Effect

What is Doppler Effect

Doppler effect part 1 @Sonika Anand Academy

Doppler effect Continued @Sonika Anand Academy

Test papers

Test Paper Waves

About the creator

About the creator

Sonika Anand Academy

online coaching classes from Class 6 to Class 12. With a free trial offer and video lectures at affordable prices, SoniKanand Academy is your pathway to success.

Live Online Classes**: Engage in live online classes 1:1

Homework Help**: Get timely assistance with homework

Subject-Specific Tutoring**: Master each subject with precision through specialized tutoring sessions conducted by experienced educators..

Test Preparation**: Prepare for standardized tests and exams


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